
A Bhikkhunī’s Karmic Awakening

In the time of the Blessed One, a poignant tale unfolded between two venerable Arahant Nuns — Bodhi Theri and Isidāsī Theri. Both had reached the pinnacle of spiritual attainment, having renounced the world to embrace the path of enlightenment.

Seeking Wisdom in Arahantship

Bodhi Theri, driven by curiosity, questioned Isidāsī Theri’s choice of ordination. To Bodhi’s eyes, Isidāsī Theri, young and beautiful, seemed to have every reason to relish a lay life. In response, Isidāsī Theri unfolded a story of immense suffering, multiple marriages, and the quest for a solution to her unrelenting misfortunes.

A Promise Shattered

In her lay life, Isidāsī lived in Uchini, a city of wealth and prestige. Her first marriage, arranged by her father, crumbled despite her impeccable care for her husband and his parents. Isidāsī was baffled when her husband, without reason, demanded her departure, leaving her in anguish and embarrassment.

A Repetition of Sorrow

Undeterred, Isidāsī embraced a second marriage with hopes of a brighter future. Alas, history repeated itself. Despite her unwavering dedication and virtuous conduct, her second husband’s inexplicable aversion shattered her dreams once again. Isidāsī returned to her father’s house, carrying the weight of another failed marriage.

A Heartbreaking Pattern

In a desperate bid to break the cycle, Isidāsī married a beggar who appeared at her father’s mansion. Despite her utmost care, the beggar, like her previous husbands, abandoned her without cause. The realization that she was the common denominator in her trials pushed Isidāsī to the brink of despair.

The Thought of Self-Destruction

Torn by grief and shame, Isidāsī contemplated ending her life. The relentless pattern of heartbreak and embarrassment seemed insurmountable. However, fate intervened, offering her a glimmer of hope in the form of a compassionate nun.

The Refuge in the Dhamma

Encountering the serene nun on alms round, Isidāsī glimpsed a path to liberation. Overcoming her initial reluctance, she sought permission to ordain, pleading for a life free from suffering. With her parents’ reluctant consent, Isidāsī embarked on a journey towards spiritual awakening.

Understanding the Past Lives

In her newfound monastic life, Isidāsī gained supernatural powers, including the ability to see her past lives. The revelation uncovered a series of cruel existences, marked by deceit, castration, and societal rejection. Isidāsī realized that her current sufferings were the echoes of past transgressions.

Karma’s Inescapable Grip

Isidāsī Theri’s poignant journey underscores the inescapable nature of karma. Every action, whether virtuous or harmful, leaves an indelible mark on one’s destiny. Isidāsī’s tale serves as a powerful reminder that, in the vast tapestry of existence, every thread of karma weaves a story of redemption or retribution. May her enlightenment inspire reflection on our own deeds and the path we choose in the journey of life.

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